冥想是與靈性世界建立起 有意識溝通的第一步 冥想不是把心思淨光到 全然寂寥或睡著的地步 而是排除雜念 以便用其他事来填補 關於那奧秘美妙的事 而非庸人自擾擔憂與瑣碎 蕪雜的想法! 那是與高層次自我相遇的所在 也是跳脱每日繁忙俗務的境地 在那裡! 我們提高意境境界 接收答案和和指弓l 。。。。。。。。 在意識的層次 與靈魂世界互動!
。。。。。。。。。。。 今天有個案問我 收到訊息 如何判斷是妄想(低層次) 或是 高層次的訊息
大部份(高層次)訊息不會給予有壓力或危機的訊息 或者離現實太遥遠的事 頻率是舒服平靜的! 建議各位可以先從靜心 冥想或閱讀開始培養起! 。。。。。。。。。 當你處於平靜時 當擁抱高層次自我時 内在必然有一股超越自我 使自己更好的想望 而當受控於低層次自我之下時 所有意識包裹在本我性格之中 很容易陷於無窮 和狭隘的念頭底下 。。。。。。 自我觀念總合形成的幻覺 高層次自我意識的一個制高点 在此可以超越 “本我“自私的驅力
生活在高層次之中 代表活在更深層的 覺知狀態裡! 。。。。。。。 這是靈魂進化與 自我實現的關鍵
建議容易有訊息或者靈修者 先放下自己幫助 别人使命與任務的自我壓力! 一切療癒由自己開始
是你頭腦與 内在都處於平衡的狀態 如果你的内在召喚你! 你就可以信任高 我給予你的訊息 不要勉強自己 做不願意的事 當你有抗拒時 表示這個訊息 是不被你接受
當你還沒準備好 就輕鬆地放下 祝福各位 開發自己的直覺力 顯化你内在的智慧 開發自己的天賦與才華 豐盛你的人生
Meditation is established with the spiritual world
There are the first step in conscious communication
Meditation is not the mind bare to
Solitude or completely asleep to the point
But eliminate distractions
In order to use other things to fill
That wonderful thing about mysteries
Rather than fuss with trivial concerns
The idea caught!
It was met with a high level of self-location
Also escape the daily busy vulgar position
We improve mood state
And receiving answers and refer to bow l
. . . . . . . .
The level of consciousness
Interaction with the soul of the world!
. . . . . . . . . . .
Today there is a case to ask me
Receive messages
How to determine is delusional (low-level)
High-level message
Most (high level) posts will not be given stressful or crisis message
Or too far from reality things
Frequency is comfortable calm!
I suggest that you can start with meditation
Meditation or reading from the beginning of the culture!
. . . . . . . . .
When you are calm
When the time to embrace a high level of self-
There must be an inherent beyond self
The desire to make themselves better
And when under self-controlled low-level
All wrapped up in this awareness into my character
It is easy to fall into infinity
Bottom and narrow thoughts
. . . . . .
Hallucinations aggregate formed self-concept
A high level of self-awareness commanding heights
Here you can go beyond
"I" selfish driving force
Living in high-level
Representative living in deeper
Awareness status in!
. . . . . . .
This is the soul of evolution and
Key self-realization
Proposal likely to have a message or a spiritual person
To set aside their help
Others mission and mandate self pressure!
Everything began to heal by themselves
The more people the more pragmatic spirituality
When you all in the natural state
Your mind and
We are in a state of internal balance
If your inner call you!
You can trust the high
I give you the message
Do not force yourself
I do not want to do
When you have to resist
Indicates that the message
It is not accepted by you
When you're not ready
Would easily put down
Bless you
Develop your own intuition
Manifest your inner wisdom
To develop their own talent and talent
Rich your life
。。。。。。。。。。 2014/6/14/楊鵝鵝


    創作者 伊薩能量療癒殿堂 的頭像


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